Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the Sauri

If anyone's interested, below is a link to an article about the Sauri in Kenya and their advances out of poverty with the help of....uhhhummm...my Dad's N.P.O., Millennium Promise. The article concludes with arguments for and against his boss' aid development strategy and theories of its success or failure if exponentially enlarged to all the poverty-stricken peoples of Africa as a whole.



Simone said...

That's awesome! You gotta start somewhere. What's the point in saying that you shouldn't do anything, just because it's not going to solve everything? If that was the case, our world we be in a lot of trouble. I can't wait to go to Kenya!
I'm looking forward to hearing more about the pros and cons of aid. It's interesting that Mr. Sachs draws a connection between terrorism, poverty and opposition to aid and apathy for less fortunate.

Simone said...
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