Friday, April 23, 2010

My view of corruption

The whole idea that corruption is just the way things are done is a copout in my opinion. I tend to view things in black and white, so the idea that corruption is ok if it helps people does not work with my ethical views. I have a strong sense of right and wrong and would never condone accepting or taking bribes. If you participate in giving or taking bribes you are a contributor of the corruption that has become rampant in third world countries. Taking this stand will make it more difficult to travel in these countries, but it is the only way to end the cycle of corruption. Taking a closer look at corruption in Kenya has been an enlightening experience over the past couple of weeks as I have read the class reading. Corruption is so engrained into the way everyone does business that it gets passed down from one ruling party to the next and therein lies the problem. What is needed is more individuals like John Githongo to stand up for what is right. Only at that point can the people of Kenya break free from the bondage of corrupt rulers. I realize that there is more to it than a simple act of removing corruption, but it is a good start.

1 comment:

Eileen Wisman said...

Absolutely correct! Corruption is the single biggest factor creating and maintaining poverty in Africa. To me, corruption is the root of almost all evil.